Sway (2008) by Zachary Lazar
A chronicle of the best and worst of the 1960s music scene and culture.
“Lazar has created a powerful, infernal prism through which to view the potent, still-rippling contradictions of the late ’60s.” — Los Angeles Times Book Review
“Lazar writes extremely well and provides a fascinating take on the end of the optimism of the hippie era, as well as providing deft fly on the wall style imaginings of the birth of the Stones and the death of Brian Jones…” — blogger Chris
The year that Zachary came to Los Angeles for the UCLA festival of books I was a volunteer at that event. Prior to the show I had read his book Sway, to this day that particular book is one of the best I have ever read. When I was at the UCLA show my job was to escort authors from place to place and I asked to be his escort. They assigned me to him we had a chance to talk quite a bit. I’m sure I must have given him only a few minutes to talk because I was just so excited to meet him. He should know that that book had such an impact on me like I said before definitely one the greatest books I’ve ever read .